The centre for tax analysis in developing countries

Overseas Development Institue Institue for Fiscal Studies

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The financial inclusion agenda: Examining the role of conventional banks in deepening access to formal credit

  • We investigate the impact of banking system penetration on financial inclusion in Ghana.
  • ...


Does the value-added tax add value? Lessons using administrative data from a diverse set of countries

The value-added tax (VAT) is a cornerstone of the modern tax system....


Distributional analysis of Ghana’s tax system

In recent years, policymakers across the globe have become increasingly interested in not only the revenue consequences of tax policies but also th...


Symposium paper: Progressive taxation in the face of inflation and instability: Lessons from Argentina

As inequality has risen around the world, the importance of tax design for achieving equity objectives has become increasingly widely discussed and...


Taxation and Supplier Networks: Evidence from India

Do tax systems distort firm-to-firm trade?...


Can rationing increase welfare? Theory and an application to India's ration shop system

Ration shop systems allow households to purchase limited quantities of some commodities at a fi xed subsidized price and are in widespread use thro...


Business taxation in Ethiopia: Exploring administrative data to understand taxpayers’ responses to tax thresholds

Increasing tax revenues is a priority in low-income countries, where governments collect much less revenue as a share of GDP than in middle- or hig...


Are corporate tax incentives for investment fit for purpose? Revisiting economic principles and evidence from low- and middle-income countries

Introduction to the study



Redistribution via VAT and cash transfers: an assessment in four low and middle income countries (working paper)

As in many high income countries, VAT systems in low and middle income countries (LMICs) are often characterised by different tax treatments for di...


Redistribution via VAT and cash transfers: an assessment in four low and middle income countries (briefing note)

As in many high income countries, VAT systems in low and middle income countries (LMICs) are often characterised by different tax treatments for di...


Review of corporate tax incentives for investment in low- and middle-income countries

Corporate income tax is an important source of revenue for many low- and middle-income countries....


Redistribution, efficiency and the design of VAT: a review of the theory and literature

The simplest form of value added tax (VAT) – and the form often advocated by international organisations – is one with a broad base and a single (‘...


VAT and simplified tax schemes: preliminary results (briefing note)

In 2013 the West Bengal government implemented a reform that introduced a new form of paying tax – the composite scheme....


Centre for Tax Analysis in Developing Countries: Cross-cutting research agenda

This document outlines the four areas of research which will inform the development of our “cross-cutting” research agenda.


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