The centre for tax analysis in developing countries

Overseas Development Institue Institue for Fiscal Studies

As part of the Centre for Training and Research in Public Finance and Policy's (CTRPFP) annual Training Workshop on Public Finance and Taxation, TaxDev researchers Hazel Granger and Harshil Parekh delivered a presentation on the ‘Challenges and Opportunities for Revenue Mobilisation during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic’. CTRPFP, based in Kolkata, is a research initiative funded by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India, which to aims to promote research in economic and social policies through a better understanding of issues in public finance, public economics and public policy. The workshop was attended by tax officials from Eastern India.

TaxDev’s presentation focused on three areas:

  • The impact of Covid-19 on domestic revenues;
  • The role of taxation in government responses to the crisis;
  • The timing, opportunities, and challenges for domestic mobilisation both during the crisis and post-crisis.

After the presentation, participants discussed the gaps in India’s tax system and how they had been affected by Covid-19, which policy measures might gain more traction in light of Covid-19, and the feasibility of the options presented by the TaxDev team at both central and sub-national levels.

Published on: 3rd December 2020

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