In recent years, policymakers across the globe have become increasingly interested in not only the revenue consequences of tax policies but also their distributional impacts: that is, their impacts
On 30th September 2023, the Government of Ghana published its first Medium-Term Revenue Strategy (MTRS), setting out a plan for review and reform of key elements of both revenue policy and administ
On 20th June 2023, the Ministry of Finance in Ghana, in collaboration with TaxDev, invited stakeholders from government, the private sector, and civil society to an event previewing the findings of
This study sheds light on the potential of personal income tax (PIT) to address inequality in African countries.
On Tuesday 10th May, TaxDev hosted a delegation of senior officials from the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the Ministry of Finance, including the Commissioner General of GRA, Ammisha
In March 2022, TaxDev co-organised a number of workshops in collaboration with partners from the Tax Policy Unit (TPU) at the Ministry of Finance and the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).
The collection of tax revenue at customs has long been an important revenue source in Ghana.
Carbon pricing will be one of the most talked about policy options at COP26.
In October 2021, TaxDev researchers delivered a series of workshops with analytical staff from the Ministeries of Finance and Revenue Authorities in Ethiopia and Ghana.