The centre for tax analysis in developing countries

Overseas Development Institue Institue for Fiscal Studies

A survey of the Ghanaian tax system

In its 2020 Ghana CARES ‘Obaatanpa’ programme, the Government of Ghana emphasised the need to improve domestic revenue mobilisation in order to ensure the realisation of its medium-term fiscal poli

TaxDev supports mid-year budget preparations in Ghana

In June and July 2020 IFS researchers provided support to the Tax Policy Unit (TPU) in analysing various policy proposals ahead of Ghana’s annual mid-year budget event.


Our partnership in Ghana focuses on:

Ghanaian officials visit IFS

Six officials from Ghana's Ministry of Finance and the Ghana Revenue Authority visited IFS for six days in January and February 2020.

Ghanaian civil servants learn how to use GHATAX microsimulation model

This week, Ghana's Ministry of Finance has organised and delivered a training  workshop for civil servants from the Ministry and the Revenue Authority on GHATAX, the microsimulation model

TaxDev helping improve tax policy analysis in Ghana

Our partners from the Ghanaian Ministry of Finance joined us in London for the TaxDev Policy Conference on March 23rd, w

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